Control Software

Version 6 is the newest version of our Go Fab CNC Accelerated Control Software.
This page will cover the Version 6 Software in detail.
Main Screen

Settings Group

Settings Options
Alert - Only visible when an Error is present that needs your attention. Press to View and Address any Errors
Settings - Press to Change Settings for the Machine and App
Bluetooth - Press to View Connection Status and to Connect/Disconnect from Go Fab CNC Machines
USB - This Button will only be visible if you are Connected to a Go Fab CNC Machine by USB Cable and is not a Button you can Press
Measurement - Press to Switch between Inches and Milimeters throughout the entire App

Bluetooth Options
Machine List - Shows a list of all previously Connected Go Fab CNC Machines
The most recently Connected Go Fab CNC Machine will be in ORANGE Text while all other previously Connected Go Fab CNC Machines will be in WHITE Text
A Checkmark will indicate what Go Fab CNC Machine is currently Connected
Tap a Go Fab CNC Machine from the List to Reconnect to it
This List may be empty. If it is, press the "Add" Button to Add a New Go Fab CNC Machine to Connect to
Hold your Finger Down on a Go Fab CNC Machine in the List to Remove it from the List
Disconnect/Reconnect - The Text on this Button will change depending on Connection Status
Disconnect will Disconnect from whatever Go Fab CNC Machine is currently Connected
Reconnect will Reconnect to the Last Go Fab CNC Machine that was Connected
Add - Add a New Go Fab CNC Machine to Connect to
Design Group

Create Options
New - Remove any Part(s) on the Screen and Load New Part(s) from a File
Add - Add a Part(s) from a File to the existing Part(s) on the Screen
Shapes - Add/Create a Shape Part such as a Square, Circle, etc.
Duplicate - Duplicate the Selected Part
Remove - Remove the Selected Part
Notes - Add/View Notes for the current Design Session
Save - Save the current Design Session to a File so you can work on it again later
Modify Options
Overview - Allows you to Swipe and Zoom to view your entire Design and see General Info
Move - Allows you to Move the Selected Part in relation to the Program Start (0, 0)
Use your Finger to Drag the Part where you want it to be
Resize - Allows you to Resize the Selected Part
Use 2 Fingers to Pinch/Zoom for Resizing the Selected Part
Rotate - Allows you to Rotate the Selected Part
Use 2 Fingers and Twist for Rotating a Part
Cut Settings - Allows you to Modify Leadins/Leadouts and Tool Compensate/Offsets
Change Leadins/Leadouts and Compensate/Offsets for an entire Part or use the Circular Buttons to modify those option on individual Paths within any Part
Program Group

Program Options
View - Make the Machine outline Visible/Invisible on the Design Screen
Machine Mode - Switch between Table Mode and Pipe Attachment Mode
Tool Options - Pick the active Tool and set it's options
Cut Order - View/Modify the Cutting Order and pick a Starting Point in the Program other than the Default Starting Point (this is not the same as Program Start (0, 0). This is in reference to Cutting Order
Play/Send - Send the Program to the Machine and Play the Program

Select a Main Tool
Tool - Select a Main Tool from the available List to make it the Active Main Tool for the next Program

Tool Settings
Fire Plasma - Determines if the Plasma Fires while running the next Program or stays OFF
Confirm Flame - Waits for Confirmation from the Plasma Cutter that it Fired successfully before Tracing out the Program
Use Mister - Determines if the Mister will Spray when the Plasma is Firing
Find Surface - Determines if the Machine should Find the Surface of the Material before Firing the Plasma
Safe Travel Height - Determines how High the Torch should Raise between Cuts
Maintain Height - Determines if the Torch should Maintain the Height it Initially Fired at after Finding the Surface

Tool Materials
Material - Specifies what Material will be used for the Program
Thickness - Specifies what Thickness of Material will be used for the Program
Tip Size - Specifies what Tip Size will be used for the Program
Amps - Indicates what Amperage to set the Plasma Cutter at based on the Material, Thickness and Tip Size chosen
PSI - Indicates what Air Pressure the Plasma Cutter needs based on the Material, Thickness and Tip Size chosen
Settings - Allows you to Customize the specific Settings for each Material, Thickness and Tip Size
Controller Group

Program Placement
Set Start - Place Program Start (0, 0) wherever the Tool currently is on the Machine
Goto Start - Move the Tool to Program Start (0, 0)
Frame - Move the Tool around the rectangular perimeter of the Parts being Cut in the Program to indicate amount of Material needed
Move Tool on X/Y Axis
Small Arrows - Move the Tool in the Direction indicated as far as it can go
Large Arrows - Move the Tool in the Direction indicated by the increment amount indicated by the Number in the Center
Number - Change the increment amount for the Large Arrow Movements
Tool Location
Program/Machine - Switch between the Location in the current Program in relation to Program Start (0, 0) and Location on the Machine
Raise/Lower Z Axis
Small Arrows - Move the Tool in the Direction indicated as far as it can go
Large Arrows - Move the Tool in the Direction indicated by the increment amount indicated by the Number in the Center
Number - Change the increment amount for the Large Arrow Movements
Stop X/Y Movement
Stop - Stop all X/Y Movements, Raise the Z Axis to the Top (Z HOME) and Turn OFF all Tools
Fire Tool
Fire - Fire the Tool wherever it is. You can still Move the X/Y Axis and Raise/Lower the Z Axis while the Tool is Firing
Screen/Machine Orientation

It's best to operate a Go Fab CNC Machine while standing directly in Front of it. For reference, the Control Box will always be on the Back/Left of the Machine
Designs Explained

PURPLE Crosshairs - These indicate where Program Start (0, 0) is in your Program.
Use the Controller Group Buttons to Move the Tool on the Go Fab CNC Machine to where you'd like to place Program Start (0, 0) on the Machine. Place your Parts on the Screen in relation to the PURPLE Crosshairs so you know where they'll get Cut on the Go Fab CNC Machine
WHITE Box - Indicates what Part is currently Selected
Use the Overview Button in the Modify section of the Design Group and Double-Tap a Part to Select it
Cut Paths