
Mister Attachment

The Mister Attachment includes everything necessary to connect to your Go Fab CNC Table and the Software is already setup to manage it.

The Misting Action is created using the combination of Compressed Air and Water. An Air Line is provided for connecting to your Compressor to supply the Compressed Air and a Water Tank is provided that mounts to the side of the Table for providing the Water. An adjustable Nozzle creates a fine mist that draws minimal amounts of Water resulting in longer spans between refilling.


The main benefit of a Mister on any Plasma Table is Heat Management.


Thin Metals are prone to warpage due to the Heat produced by the Plasma process. A Mister can help minimize the Heat by spraying a cooling Mist directly on the Metal as the Plasma is Cutting.


Thicker Metals require the Plasma to stay in place longer when Piercing and move slower while Cutting. The Adjustable Nozzle of the Mister can be directed towards the Cup/Tip of the Torch to aid in Cooling and minimize the amount of slag that cause damage to the Torch by sticking to it.


The NEW Go Fab CNC Aaccelerated Software has the ability to manage the Mister. You can choose how long you want the Mister to Spray before Firing the Plasma and how long you want the Mister to continue Spraying when the Plasma stops Firing.

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